Please make sure you understand core requirements for your majors (undergraduate student) or curriculum and regulations of your programs (graduate students)
二、選課網址:本校生請由陽明交大單一入口https://portal.nycu.edu.tw 點選「陽明交通大學」-「一般選課系統」。(若無法登入,請改用「無痕」網頁模式)
Route: https://portal.nycu.edu.tw > National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University> Online Course Registration System.( If you are unable to access system, please switch to Incognito window)
Before the course registration periods begin, click “Emulator” button (please note that this does not mean you completed the course registration). During the course registration period, you should add course to your “regist list”.
- Emulator is for planning use only, there will be no schedule conflict/restriction check.
- During the course registration period, you should add course to your “regist list”. You may not be able to register a course if it conflicts another course. If you see “Limited”, it means you are currently not eligible for the course registration. Please contact the Dept. of course offering for further information of assistance.
111A course registration period:
(三)初選第三階段(新生優先) 9月5日中午12:00~9月8日上午10:00
(2)選課分發:9月8日(四) 10點關閉,系統進行有人數上限課程亂數分發。
The third stage of course registration: 2022/09/05 12:00 PM ~2022/09/08 10:00 AM
(1)The system will be open 24 hours during the course registration period.
(2)The system will be closed at 9/8 10:00 AM (will perform random distribution of courses with a size limit.)
(四)開學後加退選:9月12日中午12:00~9月23日上午10:00 (最後選課截止為9月23日上午10:00)
Acceptance of add and drop:2022/09/12 12:00 PM- 2022/09/23 10:00 AM (Deadline:2022/09/23 10:00AM)
(1)From 12:00 PM every day to 10:00 AM next day
(2)The system will shut down at 10:00AM~12:00 PM every day (will perform random distribution of courses with a size limit.)
Graduate students please refer to the curriculum and regulations of your programs and make sure you register the core courses as required.
(一)校共同(通識/核心、外語/語言溝通、體育等):請留意校共同課程之上課地點(如[YM]或[GF]) 。
Please check the Division of Curriculum’s website for the latest course registration announcement and instruction.
Reminder: abuse of campus network system and resources is prohibited. Violators will face punishment according to the university regulations